A hearty well done to the American/European players who successfully managed to get the servers taken down earlier today after a hacking spree made the game unplayable. That coupled with the many complaints from Japanese players about the constant spamming of obscene symbol chat by westerners just reinforces the fact that once we get the NA servers this game will go the same way as the previous incarnations of PSO/PSU.
Once the regional servers are running next year I can see IP blocks being enforced on the JP servers to keep the " undesirables" out.
aaaargh, i need a new laptop!! Considering mines is actually broke i now have a full on reason to buy one. Also, shroud and I can't both play on his PC.
It makes me wonder who is doing the conversion......SOA (that went so well with PsoBB,Psu) Or maybe they could only spare the Jp work experience kid who was making the tea. Lets hope we will see some progress now the Jp Vita version is out. Also they`re releasing a new character designing program shortly.
Yeah I`m feeling very doubtful about this. No news at E3 and it`s been out for year in japan with a Vita version and they`ve justed launched the Android one too